When shopping for gamers the first idea that pops in our head is a video game. A video game might work as a thoughtful gift if you know exactly what game they are currently coveting. Otherwise, odds are your gamer pre-ordered all the games they are really interested in and you could be wasting your money. Our best bet is to purchase gaming related products: 1. Tetris Sticky Notes, 2. Retro Arcade Cake Mold
, 3. Gaming Shirt, 4. Gears of War Tags, 5. iPhone Retro Controller Case (Similar)
Tetris or gaming related sticky notes will reduce your gamers console withdrawals. Lessen the 9-5 work dreariness with playful office tools.
Retro arcade kitchen gear makes cooking even more enjoyable! Take your space invader cake out of the oven with your Pac Man oven mitt. Is your dinner a little bland? Add some salt with your space invader shakers.
When giving t-shirts it’s hard to go wrong. Next time your gamer has been playing for over 2 hours ask what game they are playing. Then head over to Google and get some gaming shirts. It will make it easier for them to identify fellow gamers in the outside world.
Video game jewelry or tags are a great way to demonstrate your devotion to gaming. Search you favorite video game or character on etsy and see the goodies appear before your eyes.
Retro controller iPhone cases mashes new technology with memories of playing 8-bit games. Remember blowing into NES cartridges and cheat codes each time you place a call.
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